What exactly is an Internet marketing report? It can come in several different forms, such as a newsletter, monthly online or offline magazine article, or a document that is less than 30 pages in length. If you are in online marketing, you are probably already aware of these and may even have used them to help you in your business. By choosing to create your reports, you allow yourself to showcase your presence, and expertise, and land more customers in the process.
As the word “report” suggests, readers will be expecting to find content that delivers a certain amount of authority and objectivity. This separates it from e-books which are often subjective, with less detailed information. A report is usually shorter than an e-book, but that should be considered a positive as it will take less time and effort to put together. E-books are generally over 40 pages long and come with a price tag attached, which is not the case with a report.
How do you set about creating your web marketing report? There are several different ways you can approach your first report. The one thing that you need to keep in mind is that the report should be free to anyone that wants it; with the goal being to introduce readers to the product they are considering purchasing.
For example, your report might be the opening chapter of an e-book, or perhaps a summary of a single chapter within the book. You could also choose to focus on a single element of net marketing, customizing the report to how you work. That might mean writing about how you stay focused on your marketing plan, or creating a daily checklist of tasks that an internet marketer should follow if they want to be successful.
While the report should always be free, you can ask the reader for their contact information in exchange. All they need to do is fill in their name and e-mail address, at which time they can then access the report. By submitting their information, they are agreeing to receive future e-mails from you that can be in the form of newsletters or information on upcoming products.
Another alternative is to give your report away as a special bonus to those who choose to purchase one of the products you have on offer.
There is no need to get overly complicated in the layout of your report. You should have a cover page, a “Welcome” or “Thank You” page, followed by a Table of Contents. The main information should be added after those pages, finishing up with another “Thank You,” making sure to add your website and contact information at the end. Save your report as a PDF file and you are done.
These are just a few of the numerous ways that an Internet marketing report can be utilized.